The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now."~ Zig Ziglar
The sad truth is most of us are the cause of our lack of progress. We have failed to cultivate the necessary self-discipline that’s required to succeed & we keep running in circles. Many of us chase after instant gratification- seek to satisfy our cravings for sharwama at the detriment of their goal for financial security and wonder why we’re always broke. We spent more time scrolling aimlessly through social media feeds at the expense of studying the lives of people who’ve attained the success we want to attain and we wonder why we’ve had the same goal on our new year resolutions for the past 5 years.
I know all these because I’m guilty. I’m ashamed of it but it’s the truth and I’m determined to do better this year.
While I understand the concept of, "I can’t come and kill myself" 😂, I know for a fact & maybe you do too, that most times we overdo it. Giving ourselves treats & letting ourselves relax is important but if done often, our goals suffer for it.
Maybe like me you have a goal to publish this year. But instead of researching & actually writing, you’re binging on Netflix or movies you downloaded from Netnaija. By choosing to satisfy your craving for entertainment, you make yourself less likely to reach your goal & therefore limit your chances of success of publishing this year.
This applies to every kind of success we seek.
You must learn to discipline your appetite & postpone your current desires in order to achieve your goal.
When you find yourself contemplating over satisfying an urge, pause & ask yourself; how will this benefit me in the next 10 days or 10 months?
That should give you clarity.
Note, I’m not saying you should always deny yourself some luxury. You can make it strategic. Consider making it a reward for achieving a step in your goal. That way you do 3 things;
- Master the art of delaying gratification
- Motivate yourself to meet your goals
- Make yourself happy.
It's a win-win for you.