At the heart of productivity is a habit of saying “Yes” to things that push you closer to your goal and “No” to things that push you farther from them.
“We make our decisions, and then our decisions turn around and make us”
― F.W. Boreh
Habits are decisions we’ve taken over and over again in the past that now decide how we behave. To be productive, one has to decide to be productive & follow up by building a habit of productivity.
Last year, I made a commitment to myself to take my writing seriously- to invest time and energy into it but most importantly, be consistent with it.
To achieve this, I started a Facebook page where I’ve written content daily since October 21st to date.
This year, I made a commitment to myself to build habits that will propel me towards my dream of being a paid content writer. I’ve learnt the following in the process.
- The "right time" doesn’t exist, like Nike says, "Just Do It!"
- You don’t get what you want from life, you get what you tolerate. Once you stop tolerating your own excuses, you’ll change your life. Once you stop tolerating people’s excuses and excesses, you’ll lose parasitic relationships that don’t benefit you.
- Your daily habit determine the outcome of your life. You can predict what your life will be in future by looking at your current habits.
- Staying where you’re not valued or respected will mess with your self-esteem and by extension your productivity. If you’re not in a good place emotionally, it will affect your productivity. To be productive you have to be at peace with yourself. It’s important to cut off toxic relationships.
- Life is a series of problems. Instead of complaining about the problems, focus on solving them. We’re really only as valuable as the problems we solve for people.
- When people tell you who they are, believe them. Most importantly, when they show who they are by their actions, words mean nothing. Many times we’re hurt by our own refusal to see people for who they are. So we waste time we should invest in our goals dealing with emotional wounds we got from being disappointed by people who in all honesty have shown us who they are.
- Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you. I got the push to start my Facebook page by following smart people who’ve grown their Facebook pages through consistently sharing valuable content that empower and encourage. I wanted to be like them. We can learn the patterns of success and replicate them of we have access to people who have succeeded in areas we want to succeed.